国外名校的本科申请更像是一场长跑,它是一个全局性的申请过程,在此过程中它分为五个重要因素:第一个是你的学校成绩,第二是标化考试,第三是文书,第四是课外活动,第五是老师的推荐信。这五样东西是贯穿学生高中整个生活的,在整个长跑过程中,没有任何一环可以懈怠。所以对于学生们来说,从高一开始把握方向非常重要。因此,我们邀请到了美国顶尖升学指导老师Mr.Jonathan Dunn为在读学生提供帮助。每年两次的海外升学指导到校一对一咨询,是石室中学北美AP课程中心的惯例。中方驻校升学指导+海外顶尖咨询关,中西结合,为每位同学量身定制三年升学指导计划。

Mr. Jonathan Dunn是全美资深的大学申请指导专家。拥有近30年的大学升学指导经验,熟悉美国几百所综合性大学和文理学院,极少有升学指导老师拥如此深厚的指导经验。
整个中国,只有3位升学指导拥有认证教育规划师证书。认证教育规划师证书(Certified Educational Planners)的持有者拥有业界最高教育标准、遵守最严的职业操守。全世界只有不到三百人有认证教育规划师证书(CEP),他是其中之一。如果一名大学申请指导想要拥有认证教育规划师证书,他首先要有研究生学历,必须通过长达七个小时评审董事会的考试,每四年必须访问超过一百所不同的大学,且每五年需要再重新认证。

今年石室中学北美AP课程中心,在整个西南地区率先引进美国Naviance付费申请平台。Naviance是申请美国大学院校的电子网络系统,这个平台能够直接和全美各地(包括加拿大)申请大学的Common App系统相连接。极大地简化申请步骤。直接在网上完成申请,不再需要航空邮递与快递寄送,杜绝由于寄错地址、寄失文件而影响录取的情况发生。对于美国大学来说,评估成绩可信度高:由学校升学顾问系统内直接投递的各项成绩规避了经手其他机构作假可能,更值得信赖。而对学校而言,它的统计归纳功能良好,能提供充分的数据,以帮助了解各大学录取本校学生的数据,作为后续学生申请学校的参考依据。

最后,Mr.Jonathan Dunn针对中国家长普遍提出的问题,给出了他的建议:
① Q: What aspects will you take into consideration when you give school selecting advices for students?(为学生规划择校过程中,会主要参考学生的哪些指标?)
A: I think it is very important to listen to students very carefully. There is so much choice when it comes to colleges so I think it is very important to match the students’ personalities to the personalities of the colleges they apply to. Students need to be in a place where they are academically challenged, but also socially happy. If they are happy at school, then they will be successful students.

② Q: Are you also the application counselor for US students? What kind of universities US high school students like? And what they treasure most when they select their universities?(您是否同时也在为美国高中生做择校指导?对于美国高中生来说,哪些学校是他们的最优解?他们选择时主要会考察这个学校的哪些方面?)
A: I work with both US and international students. Students in the USA look to attend colleges where they will grow not only academically, but also as people. Colleges are not just places where people go to class. They are full communities. American students look for colleges where they will find a community they can feel a part of.
Mr. Jonathan Dunn先生既会为美国学生做升学指导,也会为国际生(包括中国学生)做升学指导。美国学生选择学校时,不仅考虑学术支持,同时也考虑学校能为他们提供哪些人格发展帮助。他们会选择那些能够良好融入,取得收获的学校。

③ Q: What kind of efforts can a student make if he/she wants to enter universities ranking top 60 or even top 30?(如果一位学生目前学术水平只能匹配到美国前100的学校,他需要在哪些方便提高到怎样的程度才能在美国前60甚至前30的学校有竞争力?)
A: American colleges do not look just at test scores and grades. They look at the whole person. Sometimes it is difficult for international students and parents to understand this. It is important to American colleges that students develop interests and passions outside of school and pursue them with great energy. American universities don’t just want strong students. The want interesting and strong people to become a part of their campus communities.

④ Q: Can you give some advices for Chinese students for their school selecting?(给中国学生的择校建议)
A: Be totally honest. Don’t choose a school just by rank. Choose the best all- around place where there will be a strong department in your major, but also an atmosphere and environment on campus that feels comfortable to you. Remember, there are now 350,000 Chinese students studying in the USA. They simply cannot all attend the same schools, so it is important to do a deeper and more sophisticated search to find the school that is the right fit as well as strong academically. In the long run will be the most important factor. Remember, the way the rankings are determined have nothing to do with the actual quality of undergraduate education at most colleges and universities. Consider small liberal arts colleges. The quality of education students receive at these schools is amazing.