Addresses from School Leaders

——石室中学 田间校长

The Joint Diploma Program between Chengdu ShishiHigh Schooland Fairmont aims at helping you to become true global citizens, well-equipped to understand and operate between nations as well as within. For those who understand our two cultures, our two countries understand a majority of the peoples on the planet. When you have a grasp of English and Chinese you speak languages of growth and development, of wealth, and of power.
We at Fairmont are very proud to have been a part of your education and will be eager to watch as you continue to grow and learn. We want you to visit us when you are in southern California, and we want to hear how you are doing in college and beyond.
College will not be easy. It will be full of challenges: more language to learn – that of a college campus and college life. You will complete laboratory work, do research, write essays, debate and hopefully have fun and find friends, maybe even love.
This experience will add to the education you have received here in Chengdu. You’ll learn more about American culture, American roommates, being an adult, and more about fields that you can probably not even imagine now.
And for all of your hard work (and you’ll need to work hard), the benefits can be tremendous. We wish you all the luck in the world, but with hard work, you don’t need luck, since you will make your own.
Congratulations Joint Diploma Class of 2019!
Mr. Barrier

This moment in time is your movement from childhood to adulthood. In our modern world, no other moment in time is more significant for a young man or woman. There will be more significant moments to come in your future of course, but sitting here today, you stand between the end of your childhood and the start of your adulthood. This is your first rite of passage. This is your first ending and your first new beginning.
For any student graduating from high school, this is an important moment, but for all of you, it is even more profound. In just two or three short months you will be boarding a plane with a one way ticket to a new place, a new culture.
Mr. Matthews
Senior 3 students Marching-in&Award Graduation Certificate
毕业典礼由2019届毕业生丛溯的钢琴独奏拉开帷幕。丛溯曾受邀参加墨尔本钢琴之夜专场音乐会进行独唱。哈特福德大学音乐学院(The Hartt School, University of Hartford)向他伸出了橄榄枝,并为其大学阶段学习提供72000美金奖学金。


顺利达到中外方要求的学生们获得由美国费尔蒙特私立学校国际教育总监Mr. Barrier颁发的美国费尔蒙特私立高中毕业证及有成都石室中学田间校长颁发的毕业纪念册。

Speeches from Graduates

戴松伦 Rain
中方GPA 93分
外方GPA 4.34
在校期间多次获得AP Outstanding Achievements
即将前往凯斯西储大学Case Western Reserve University就读
Practice makes perfect. The saying is boring, and sometimes annoying, but 100 percent accurate. TOEFL writing part is hard, and here, practice doesn’t merely mean sitting in front of laptop and write a 400 word essay within thirty minutes like during a test. Rather, practice is merged into our daily life. Next time writing an essay, try to include some high level fancy words we played in Kahoot quiz with Mr.A. Physics, Calculus, and Statistics are not only limited in math, they can certainly get our mind trained and make our passage more logical in explaining our thoughts. Human Geography provides us tons of examples, especially when we encounter passage like discussing global issues, education issues, everything like that. Considering speaking skills, find something and talk with our teachers. Fortunately Mr.Jelly and I are both premier league fan and I always spend a few minutes starting a conversation with him before or after the class. You see, practice should be merged into of our study rather than left alone in some word documents.
——Rain DAI from S3
Best Wishes Performance
演唱者Singer:杨子易 Eva
吉他演奏 Guitar Player:孟知闲 Aurora
钢琴演奏 Piano Player: 何孟阳 James

2019届全体毕业生和外教共同给大家献上一曲英文版《友谊地久天长》——《Auld Lang Syne》作为毕业典礼的结束。美好的祝愿送给各位“We'll take a cup o' kindness yet. For auld lang syne”

Taking Group Photos

让我们定格这一刻,这不只是一个结束,更是新征程的开始。千年煌煌文庙屹立锦江畔,愿各位学子从文庙走出,在更高更远的世界舞台上绽放青年之光。希望各位不忘“爱国利民 因时应事 整齐严肃 德达材实”十六字校训的初心,带着石室人的荣光,励志向前!