高一的学生首先为学长学姐们表演了精心准备的小合唱《Seasons in the Sun》。石室中学副校长亢进随后代表学校致辞,他高度赞扬了北美课程中心所有教职员工的付出,充分肯定了同学们在过去三年所取得的成绩,他殷切希望同学们走出国门后,怀揣一颗感恩的心,牢记石室学子的优良精神,弘扬中华传统文化,勤奋学习,不懈努力。而后,费尔蒙特国际教育总监John Barrier上台发言,他祝贺所有获得中美双文凭的毕业生们,并希望他们在未来的学习生活中成就新的梦想。

紧接着,最为激动人心的时刻来临。会场响起庄严而恢弘的音乐,亢进副校长和John Barrier为所有毕业生颁发毕业贺信、证书和毕业礼物,并与每一位同学合影留念。毕业生们随后手捧鲜花,走到为自己辛勤付出了三年的老师面前,深深鞠躬,表达自己诚挚的谢意。

On May 30th, 2016, all the teachers and students from North America Center gathered at the school lecture hall to celebrate the graduation of 2016 joint diploma class. Vice Principal of Shishi Mr. Kang Jin, Assistant Principal Ms. Fang Qing, Director of the International Department Ms. Ni Rong, Director of Fairmont International Education Mr. John Barrier, Joint-Diploma Program Manager Ms. Su Xiaoqin, and teachers and parents of the 2016 class were all present to witness this important moment of the graduates.